terça-feira, 8 de novembro de 2011

Ciborg Ninja Samurai Girl - Mutant Dinosaur huntress

Illustration made for ADS , for the cover of a newsletter.
It started just as the right middle of it as you can see in the sketches below, but i got carried away and ended up doing the hole composition you see here.

segunda-feira, 8 de agosto de 2011

Hangares Summer Party

Personal Work

terça-feira, 2 de agosto de 2011

Sexy ink

One of the drawings made for a project that didn´t go through ...for now.
Sketch and progress below

domingo, 1 de maio de 2011

The Batman!

quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2011


Illustration made for the Newspaper Diário de Notícias.
25 Illustrator made 25 illustrations of 25 players from Portuguese team FC Porto celebrating the 25th title

Novos Talentos FNAC Literatura

"Maria Uma Breve História"

"O Biógrafo"

I´ve made a couple of illustrations for a contest promoting new literature authors here in Portugal. 
If the stories I illustrated the cover are selected they will be published with my drawing.
Only the 5 most voted will be published.
Some of you may not understand Portuguese, but for those who can I ask you to read it and if you like it please vote! 
If you can´t but still you want to help me get my cover selected and published, well I´d consider it a personal favor, and in that case thank you so much in advance, haha

I´ve made this two covers for two diferent Stories "Maria uma breve história" (Maria a brief story) - and "O Biógrafo" ( The biographer)

Sketches Below

sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2011

Optimus Pop / Who

Made this in collaboration with EuroRSC, they sent me a very specific briefing so the concept and idea is all from them.
Sketch Below

Optimus Test

I was asked to do an Illustration Test for an Optimus campaign...but at the time i didn´t have the time, so I didn´t and it was made by another illustrator. After i was done with the job that kept me from doing this, I figured I should give it a try and send it anyway. I did receive good feedback, that i think influenced  the fact that I get another illustration request for them later,  but this particular pic was not used.
By the way, the official campaign was made by the amazing Mario Belém.

Sketch and Detail below

Manual de História e Geografia de Portugal/Porto-Editora

Some of the illustrations I did this for a history manual

More Artwork, Sketches and some details below